View Profile CKC2009

CKC @CKC2009

Age 30, Male



Joined on 4/8/09

Exp Points:
1,686 / 1,880
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Vote Power:
5.49 votes
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Oh shit I didn't know you were part of KOA

Hell Yh

here's another link you can check out.
<a href="http://jackrocker.newgrounds.com/news/post/394247">http://jackrocker.newgrounds.com/news /post/394247</a>

lol i checkd it out

thats wack haha

"you may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you"

Yep sure is, but this war is coming to YOU you little punk. Your song sucks, you don't know how to kill me, you just made a piece of shit song again, so I guess you killed everyones ears.


look at the reviews to ur post and the song

ur hated man

ur a joke end of..


dude, trancik, shut the fuck up. mosst of your songs aren't rated anywhere near the ratings here, so make sure you have the fan base to back up what you say. and also, make it more than a 3 second loop (<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/235998">http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n/235998</a>). all you're doing is making yourself look like a useless bastard. feel free to check out my audio and 0-bomb it. when you do, keep in mind that it's more than 3 seconds long.

JackRocker FTW!!

Bitch! This song is about killing YOU CKC2009, YOU!! FUCK YOU.

<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/287052">http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n/287052</a>

with a song name like. Death Inflecktshun

it only sums up how much of a joke you are

i werent challengning u

u cant even make dance or hip hop

quit man RIP TRANCIK

....... hey CKC you have ANY thought on why this kid hates you? maybe some scenarios?

thought i did read about something about you sending pms to vote 5, but i highly doubt that... maybe

1. Someone ELSE sent it, in a name like.. CkC2009 *see the lower case? or some what close to it, last time i checked you can't have the same.. unless you did some kind of hacking..

2. or the kid wants attention by angering a well known new grounder but it went around and bit him in the ass and you got the attention :P

thats the only LOGICAL reason i have (notice how I emphasize logical)
other reasons would be totally human.
(imma gonna see how long it takes for people to figure out the line above :P)

you can ask the owners of this site..

if it werer possible to check the IP of that account

this is my only account. ask the site owners to check the IP to prove my point.

BTW hes 28 LMAO!!

@ anyone who says you ask people to vote 5: i think there's a difference between asking people to check out your song and asking them to vote 5. so, from now on, every new song you put up, send me a PM and i'll check it out. as for trancik, he's jealous because his ass is being whipped by a 14 year old kid, and i think his jealousy is a direct indicator of his dick size. keep doing what you do, and don't worry about him.

lol at the dicksize thing

yh like Remix sed

keep it fire, to burn the bugs off

thanks JR..

[KOA] Hellllls yea. See u got sum haters. Lol... Comes with the Title of KOA. Ask D, he has plenty. =/ But we Overcome. and Make beastin music. So To hell with em. Keep makin em fam. and keep it fire, to burn the bugs off. Stay up PEace~!!


oh yea. im copyin that KOA banner u made lols.

lol Delinquent Made it... :O

.... oh 0.o ...... well... Im repin it on ym page too. Chea...

yh so u might wan2 change ur page

"Gratz for Delinqeunt for the banner" :)

I'm moving on too. BTW, how's this song CKC?

Yer 14 years old with that kind of explicit image on your NG page?


she'd be like


I like boobies :D

And my top 5 spot

i agree with you on the first one..

OH MY GOSH!!! IT'S A HIP HOP PRODUCER!!! O-BOMB!!! Just Playing, I love your music. make more hip hop tracks for I can maybe spit on. Keep doing what you do. And do you like pie?


HATER (Heyt-er) / noun:
A person who dislikes you
due to their own void of self confidence
and inability to achieve the things
you have accomplished

Bring On The Trumpets!!!!

Hey dude, I used your price of respect beat

cool :)