I loved it
it s the type of song to make you happy
I loved it
it s the type of song to make you happy
Hehe, thank you very much, CKC! Great to hear that you even like my Techno-style music. :D
I rated this over mine
I rated 5 so dis could go top
My beat was top nows ur is
cos dis is too good :P
4.47 / 5.00 (+ 0.061)
wow man thanks a lot man!
This is too good to be heard but normal people....
Only God Should listen to this
thats how good it is
hahaha :D thanks for the kind words, glad you liked it :P
And thanks for the full score, the fav and your support :D
Nice man
i hate when people vote but dont comment so i rateed (5) and commenting now
too many people hate on this genre
nice bass maybe adds some more variation aswell to the song..
anyways peace
check me out to man
-¦- CKC -¦-
Thanks for the 5 and the review and sure I'll check out ur stuff
What I tHINK
I hate when people vote but dont comment so i rated (5) and i commenting
nice take on (Canon D)
Not really ambient more like err Mordern me thinks anyways i liked it..
Ckeck Me Out Man..
-¦- CKC -¦-
THanks m8 for the comments, I Always comment. Hate it when people just give ratings even without listening the whole song. I ll check your song out later and comment them :)
Man this got good potential like the rest of your songs but u need to get some new VSTs...
liek Nexus, V-Station err Vanguard they can b ite for Hip Hop..
i just got a whole wack,like 13gb,but i havent the time to unzip em,haha,usin a couple tho,got that one ocotpus,kinda dope,but thanks :) ye ye ill check them out,i might have em,gotta a bunch i aint scope yet
Pretty Ite
yo this pretty sick son keep at it
wow ckc reviewed my beat i am most honored sir. im surprised it caught ur ear really i dnt get many celebrities/ OG of NG around my beat cept Dj Delinquent {prolly cuz i have to ask him to checkem out } but hey all in all its all the same. much respect n thanx hahaha how u like my properness pretty tight right? hahaha neway peace n respct B thnx again tho i wasnt foolin around wit dat
Shit im glad i lookd on ur profile man u got lota talent
btw wat u using for dat synth?
Thanks for the props ;)
anyway the synth is a premade one found in a refill, i tweaked the effects, realease, attack, shaper and stuff and then some reverb on it.
in fact, it sounds dope lol
were did u get dat beginning sample of the song that quote about music industry?
found it somewhere on the net, it was under a creative commons license, so i threw it in there. i thought it'd be a nice lil touch.
Age 30, Male
Joined on 4/8/09