hey man
u got your flow right on here.
well written lyrics.
solid beat aswell
good job man
-¦- CKC -¦-
hey man
u got your flow right on here.
well written lyrics.
solid beat aswell
good job man
-¦- CKC -¦-
glad u liked it man=) more to come soon
blue dabi do dabi da
i can hate on a remix of that epic song...
so i guess u want some pointers from a listener:
well dude what i wud do is..
-try get better accapella
- dont follow the same style as the original, go completyl different
- bump the kicks and claps
- add som more synths maybe create a new main lead with new melody :P
anyways keep at it
-¦- CKC -¦-
no kick? how can it sound epic without a kick? im working on getting a better acapella now and idk how I would make a new lead. the original can't possibly be topped. sorry if I ruined the song. :/
i dont zero bomb so im gona review ths as if you werent an immuture hater
kl synths and sounds
but didnt put me in a trance like a trance song should...
and im not a "14 year old studio gangsta wannabe"
i dont have an "Internet" gang i belong to a group of artists called KOA
so heres the reply
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n/290609
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n/290609
-¦- CKC -¦-
ur first for a while...
hey yh u still got dat xclusive sound lol
what VST u got now they sound dope haha
maybe bump that kick up and add a nice deep bass to give it more fullness
kEEp aT iT
-¦- CKC -¦-
been usin octopus and poizone ya the kicks are a bit fucked up, cant even fix it now, my computer died on me so im waitin to grab a new one so the beats are on pause for a minute >< thanks for the check up thoo
why the hell you usin my name!!
mother fucker
get this shit outta here
tryin to endorse your shit by usin my name
hell i aint into "beefin" wid you
so i aint gona rate nank down or up
if you wana get noticed jus make your own Beats that are good shit..
-¦- CKC -¦-
is dat you singing? :P
dono how da fudge i ended up on this song... but
its v.good...it needs HIP HOP to make it better :P
or maybe you could made a house version :O
either way its better then basshunter
i give u a chuck norris 5 and a phill collins 10
-¦- CKC -¦-
Totally Lira Yin. Because that's totally what it says in the song description.
1. Did make a hip-hop version
2. Did make a house version
3. Chuck Norris 5 is best 5
4.84 / 5.00 (+ 0.032)
this kicks multiple levels of chuck norris ass
this makes basshunter look the amature he is :)
make MORE MAN!!!
luv'd it
fav'd dl.5/5
-¦- CKC -¦-
lmfao thanks!
Seriously how high or bored were you..?
touche with the basshunter bassline..
but seriously wtf...
it makes my randomness look....fuckin weak
touche my freind
maybe if you could of made one bout lesbos
but ah well...
errr.good work?
-¦- CKC -¦-
Haha bored as hell. I stole your top 5 spot didn't I ;)
Touche as hell but yeah, it's for the lolz. OH, and so that NG realizes we need a new system
Thanks for the review.
Age 30, Male
Joined on 4/8/09