u got dat epicness
yh there is dat epic feel to this beat
if those are live drums which they sound like
then fuckin kudos on that lol
drums sounded great
same wid the beat
good job man
-¦- CKC -¦-
u got dat epicness
yh there is dat epic feel to this beat
if those are live drums which they sound like
then fuckin kudos on that lol
drums sounded great
same wid the beat
good job man
-¦- CKC -¦-
Thanks man yeah they are live but I alter the sounds of each instrument when It's Imported. Appreciate the review.
Can this even be considered music.. LMAO
28 year old man who argues with teenagers haha
u make me laugh i never challenged u
and yet u come out with this weird faggot stuff that does even have a genuine genre..
all your doin fag is given me great publicity
i have gained fans so far since u made a bb post
and btw quit with the fake account tryin to make me look bad
R.I.P Bitch
-¦- CKC -¦-
I see why u think ur so good
wow with stuff like this i can see why u think your so good..
3 seconds shit congrats next time try and make a song fag
quit the hate or STFU!
your a liar who picks fights with teenagers, ur 28 man geta life
and stop trying to have a life on the internet..
-¦- CKC -¦-
How can anyone hate this :P
This song is sexy man
givin me an eargasm
man this a hit keep at it bro
-¦- CKC -¦-
LOL!! You have some great stuff yourself I looked you up. Keep up the upkeep.
Loved IT
Man you can feel the emotion u put in da lyrics
it all sounded so fucking great man
im in love with the chorus
glaad u made my beat fuckin super excellent wicked great ....
lol luv'd
keep at it
-¦- CKC -¦-
thanks bro good job on the beat
omg i think me u and every other hip hop artist have raped the fuck out of that drum sample haha
nice beat overall though!!
-¦- CKC -¦-
I though u was dead!!
people sed u was dead!
wtf!!!! wah!!
nice lyrics and beat though!!
but wtf!!
-¦- CKC -¦-
has fuckin epic foundations
has a great foundation such as melodies n shit
like below me sed need to work on mastering: volumes :)
if u sent me the notes which u used in this maybe i cud do a remix :)
haha peace
keep at it u got potential
-¦- CKC -¦-
Thanks, Ill get the notes to you ;O
Age 30, Male
Joined on 4/8/09